
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Computer Generates Traffic While I Do Other Things

I just came across this great free tool that generates traffic for me while I am away from the computer.

It is called ScreenSwarm and it turns my computer into a massive traffic building system.

Check it out here for free:

My Newest Recommended Traffic Tool

It isn't often that I find a traffic tool that is truly unique.

I have been trying out ScreenSwarm, a new traffic system by Garland Coulson, the creator of the incredibly successful Free Traffic Bar and Internet One systems.

ScreenSwarm is a screen saver traffic exchange that lets me generate traffic whenever my screensaver runs while I am away from my computer.

In addition to my own screensaver, I also get traffic from 1,000s of other computers when I invite others.  Just 3 invites could bring me millions of screen views every month!

It was very simple to get working and I had my traffic building and my own web site showing to other members in less than 10 minutes.

It is totally free to try and Garland always gives great help to any people I refer who become members.

Check it out here and get 1,000 FREE Screen Views:

P.S.  What I REALLY love about this system is that it gives me large amounts of traffic without any work at all.

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Free Traffic Tool I Found

Finally, a “No-Work” Traffic Tool

Like you, I need a steady stream of good web traffic to be successful. I have been testing traffic exchanges and found them to be a good source, but I just don't have time to sit there for hours surfing sites to get credits.
So I went looking for a better way – and I found it!
I tested Garland Coulson's Free Traffic Bar and I was blown away. Just by adding this little toolbar to my browser, I immediately started getting free traffic every day, just for being on the web. And it not only gave me free traffic for my own browsing, as I started inviting others, I ended up with a flood of free advertising from the browsing and recruiting activities of my downline.
In addition to the traffic, Garland also built in a downline builder program to let me build my money, traffic and downline in over 100 programs at once AND he pays me up to a 50% MONTHLY commission.
I especially liked the extensive training area. Garland is an Internet marketing expert and has provide hours of free video and audio training within the system, not only on the Free Traffic Bar, but also on many other critical areas of Internet marketing. He really makes sure his members have every tool they need to succeed online and his support team was very quick to reply to my questions.
Free traffic, multiple streams of income, great support and monthly commissions – definitely a winner for me!
Garland generously gives 1,000 free advertising credits to everyone who signs up, so check it out here:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Special Advertising Sale

You can save $320.05 right now!250,000 Points Added Automatically to Your Account!($250.00 Value!)
You can use these points to purchase any advertising you like. 5 Banner Ads with 1,000 Impressions each!
($10.00 Value!)That's 10,000 Impressions of your favorite banner ads on our site.3 Traffic Links with 100 Link Views!($18.00 Value!)This will send 300 Visitors to the links of your choice.3 Solo Email Ads sent to Every Member of our site!($30.00 Value!)This will send a lot of new visitors to your chosen links.3 Login Ads with 1000 Views + Statistics!$30.00 Value!)Your ads will be seen by everyone that logs in.That's a real purchase value of $338.00! *NO WAITING! Your Points & Advertising will be added automatically to your account after your purchase!*You can save $320.05 right now!You won't find another deal this crazy, anywhere!Purchase this hot package right now,For only $17.95!Only 100 Will Be Sold at This CrAzY Price! Click on the below,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chat with Millionaires and Earn Money

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Earn $ 15000 for just referring your friends

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Study & Work Abroad

This event repeats every day.

Notes: Hello
Education Travel & Culture (ETC) is a non-profit [501(c)(3)] educational exchange organization. Its purpose is to promote international understanding and goodwill by providing high quality educational and cultural exchange programs in the United States and abroad. ETC provides inbound program opportunities for high school students throughout the world to study in an American high school and live with an American family. Host families provide room and board, a quiet place to study, and an American family experience for guest students during their semester or academic year in the United States. ETC's outbound program offers students the chance to study and live in a foreign country. To find out information about ETC's sister organization and short term summer student exchange program, please visit

Best Work from Home Opportunity

This event repeats every day.

Notes: Hello

GeoString pays you for each person you refer, and each person they refer!

This trend takes place through 10 full levels of referrals with unlimited width.

Your FREE income potential with GeoString is unlimited and with no costs to you!

They give you $10 instantly credited to your account just for registering

Your Earning Example:

Number of people you refer is 3

Number of people they each refer upto 10 levels is 3

Your income will be $1000 monthly

Come join our team and make this become reality!

This event repeats every day.

Notes: For as little a cup of coffee a day, you can earn $2106 per month easy. Get in now... details at
This event repeats every day.

Notes: CO.CC is the world's best free domain name registrar and the leading provider of Internet services including - Free dns service, online marketing, url forwarding, e-mail and more.We are the sole developer and proprietor of our technology, do not license any products from others, and do not outsource or offshore any of our operations. This enables us to provide better support and ensure the most advanced and competitively-priced products and services available today. We are committed to making it easy and affordable for businesses to build and grow their Internet presence, no matter their technical skill level. CO.CC's employees are dedicated to providing excellent customer support and offering innovative, reliable products and services.CO.CC has become the world's #1 choice for free domains by providing innovative, competitively-priced products, delivering the highest quality customer service, and by always appreciating and listening to its customers!

Business Address


Join us, and get your free domain now

Operation Iraqi Freedom ends as Our promise to them.

Tonight marks the end of the American combat mission in Iraq.

As a candidate for this office, I pledged to end this war responsibly. And, as President, that is what I am doing.

Since I became Commander-in-Chief, we've brought home nearly 100,000 U.S. troops. We've closed or turned over to Iraq hundreds of our bases.

As Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, our commitment to a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq continues. Under Operation New Dawn, a transitional force of U.S. troops will remain to advise and assist Iraqi forces, protect our civilians on the ground, and pursue targeted counterterrorism efforts.

By the end of next year, consistent with our agreement with the Iraqi government, these men and women, too, will come home.

Ending this war is not only in Iraq's interest -- it is in our own. Our nation has paid a huge price to put Iraq's future in the hands of its people. We have sent our men and women in uniform to make enormous sacrifices. We have spent vast resources abroad in the face of several years of recession at home.

We have met our responsibility through the courage and resolve of our women and men in uniform.

In seven years, they confronted a mission as challenging and as complex as any our military has ever been asked to face.

Nearly 1.5 million Americans put their lives on the line. Many returned for multiple tours of duty, far from their loved ones who bore a heroic burden of their own. And most painfully, more than 4,400 Americans have given their lives, fighting for people they never knew, for values that have defined our people for more than two centuries.

What their country asked of them was not small. And what they sacrificed was not easy.

For that, each and every American owes them our heartfelt thanks.

Our promise to them -- to each woman or man who has donned our colors -- is that our country will serve them as faithfully as they have served us. We have already made the largest increase in funding for veterans in decades. So long as I am President, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that sacred trust.

Tonight, we mark a milestone in our nation's history. Even at a time of great uncertainty for so many Americans, this day and our brave troops remind us that our future is in our own hands and that our best days lie ahead.

Thank you,

It's hard to promote your site, but we can do it for free.

This event repeats every day.

Notes: Hi.,

For most people, getting high-quality targeted visitors

to their site is probably one of the "hardest" things to

do ... unfortunately it's also the most important.

The reason it's difficult for most small businesses and

online marketers is that the majority of popular site

promotion strategies either take up A LOT of time, cost

a lot of money, or are too risky. Right?

Well, I'm emailing you today because I want to let you

know about a new, fully-automated traffic-generation

system that can send 1000s of targeted prospects to

your site, every single day, absolutely FREE!

Would you believe that this new system is:

-> 100% Free! - Always has been, and always will be

-> Automated - 5 minutes to set it up, then forget it

-> Targeted - you'll get only real, targeted traffic

-> "Viral" - your traffic will increase exponentially

I thought it was too good to be true at first ... but

after testing it out, the results have been extremely

profitable. And the feedback so far has been great:

"Holy *#@% ... this is really amazing! I never thought

something free could bring so much traffic. Truthfully,

it seems to be working better than most of my paid ads."

Anyway, do us both a favor and check it out ASAP. It's

still pretty new and you will benefit even more if you

create your FREE account now before most people join.

Give it a try and let me know what you think ...

Promote your sites while you are sleeping

This event repeats every day.

Notes: Promote your sites to hundreds of classified ads directories, blogs, mailing lists, social bookmarking sites and many more, with just a few click. We even sen your ads, while you sleep.

Now you can promote your websites while you are sleeping by using GrowUrl's auto submit feature. Pretty nice, uh? Your business still runs while your sleep, eat, have fun or anithing else you like!

Now you can promote your site directly via powered text ads services widget! Gain extra credits by placing MiniAds widget on your site! Use effetive promotion through MiniAds!

Grow and drive traffic to your website by submitting your website to directories, ads, blogs and more. Not sure what to expect? Try our trial version! Just click here..

Broker Tips and Strategies

This event repeats every day.

Notes: A broker is a party that mediates between a buyer and a seller. Your starting point for the best investment resources on the web. Stock exchanges will give you the opportunity of investment and fund sourcing.

Just click here

Looking for a good auto insurance policy that will have both a good coverage.

This event repeats every day.

Notes: Just click here

Do you need some advice for business software?

This event repeats every day.

Notes: Business software is generally any software program that helps a business increase productivity or measure their productivity. Here directory of reviewed business and enterprise software solutions.

Just click here

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Suffering from lack of traffic to your website?


What if I told you there is a way to get more visitors and online advertising automatically, and it's GUARANTEED to work? Now what if I told you it won't cost you a fact it won't even cost you a dime!There's a new tool called Advertising Freeway that will do exactly that...and it gets even BETTER...
To use the Advertising Freeway, not only is there no cost, but also you don't need to make big changes to what you already do. Just make 1 simple change (takes about 30 seconds) and watch the visitors roll in and the views of your ads explode!Now if you're skeptical, good! You should be...with all of the hype out there it's hard to believe anything anymore. I know I didn't buy it when I first saw the tool.
But then I USED it...
I can tell you, without a doubt, it works! In fact:
- You do NOT have to trade time or manual effort for traffic
- You do NOT have to install anything on your computer
- You do NOT have to paste tedious HTML code on your webpages
- You do NOT need to know anything about programming

- You do NOT have to agree to getting slammed with ads yourself

- You WILL increase your traffic and advertising, guaranteed
- It WILL work for you regardless of what niche you’re in
- It IS 100% legal, 100% ethical, and 100% “above board”
- You WILL be reaching REAL prospects who want to buy your offers
- The traffic and advertising you gain will INCREASE the longer you use it
This thing is great, and it's unlike anything I've seen. But the easiest way to explain it is for you to see it for yourself. Just go here....

This is REALLY cool.

PS - They may start charging for it soon, so get over there now...

Congratulations Claim Your FREE Lifetime Platinum Account!!!

Hi !Friend!,

Brand new site launched that will amaze you, and YES join and claim your f'ree Lifetime Platinum account Now!
Get in now before the offer is taken away from you........Just go here as fast as you can, and hope the fast action bonuses are still around....5000 F'REE Credits!

(This is a special Platinum Member Link)

- Mailing credits have now been introduced to allow you to mail to Every Member.

- Have F*R*E*E or Paid Banners (4 Life) floating around the members area.

- Recieve Clickbank Commissions from Clickbank sales...Ads floating around on all pages...!!!!

Now hows that for Awesome!!

You can use this FREE Traffic to...

==> Build A List

==> Promote Affiliate Offers

==> Sell Your Products

==> Recieve Clickbank Sales

==> Email All Members With Mailing Credits!

Advertising Freeway FAST ACTION BONUS F*R*E*E* Traffic Worth $1000 !!!

That's LOADS of Traffic to your sites just for signing up.....

To Your Success.


PS - I may not be able to keep giving away the Platinum level soon, so grab it now.


P.S. - The list building benefit is most powerful the earlier you get in, so don't delay!

Organizing for America supporters like you! We 27 donations from Tulsa.

Powerful special interests are pledging to spend $200 million to help elect conservatives this fall.But President Obama has advocated for a different kind of politics since he launched his campaign, and it's because of supporters like you that we've never let special interests buy their way to victory.This November, it's the same game plan. Instead of asking for checks from PACs and lobbyists, we're counting on 3 million grassroots donations to elect strong allies for President Obama.We need just 25,000 donations this week to be on track to meet that goal -- and are counting on 27 donations from Tulsa. Can you donate $3 today and add your name to the By the People Fund?
Organizing for America supporters like you set this movement apart -- and together, we're changing politics.

With your help, we're going to run a real, grassroots, on-the-ground campaign to win in November -- knocking on doors, making calls, and talking to neighbors in every single state.As we saw in 2008, no amount of special-interest money can compete with that.
Please donate $3 or more today:

Fred Mckein.

Friday, August 13, 2010

We do what others have failed to do. We provide a system that respects you by providing free access and paying you commissions even if you choose to never buy a premium membership.It’s simple. We created a strategy that is both "free and powerful".A system that allows you to get endless leads and paid quick commissions anytime you want.In 2009 we revealed Free & Powerful to the public for the first time and it skyrocketed to star status in just a few months. Over 59,000 members joined our team in 180 days. Out of 234 MILLION websites online today, our site is rated in the Top .0001% by (the gold standard in website rating). The Free And Powerful system works for average, everday people. 1,000’s of beginners around the world have used the Free & Powerful System to achieve profit and success.And now we'd like to give you our new and improved Rapid Profit Sytstem for free. You pay nothing, yet you can begin earning today… First, we're going to literally give you, for FREE, the system that allowed so many to create real cash profit from home. Within a minute of choosing your username, the system will be yours.Second, we're going to provide free training that shows you how to give this opportunity to others and increase your payments by leaps and bounds.Third, we're going to show you how to increase your profit with a special half-price upgrade that makes you a premium member (you're not required to purchase in order to get paid).
And finally, we're going to show you how to sponsor dozens, even hundreds of new distributors per month using technology. Easy to follow instructions will make technology your profit earning partner in just days.
Obviously this is an incredible offer you need to explore fully by getting your free, profit earning membership. This is a no risk, all benefit, free business that you can have right now. And it’s all real. There’s no sales pitch or strings attached. Just sign up for your free system today. Although we offer you an upgraded version, you're not required to purchase it. Use your free system to start earning today!So just fill out the form below and tell us where to send your membersip confirmation. See you on the inside in just a minute from now!

Click the links below;
Free & Powerful.

Get paid $10 to $50 over & over again! At Zero Cost to You! Here's How...

We do what others have failed to do. We provide a system that respects you by providing free access and paying you commissions even if you choose to never buy a premium membership.It’s simple. We created a strategy that is both "free and powerful".A system that allows you to get endless leads and paid quick commissions anytime you want.In 2009 we revealed Free & Powerful to the public for the first time and it skyrocketed to star status in just a few months. Over 59,000 members joined our team in 180 days. Out of 234 MILLION websites online today, our site is rated in the Top .0001% by (the gold standard in website rating). The Free And Powerful system works for average, everday people. 1,000’s of beginners around the world have used the Free & Powerful System to achieve profit and success.And now we'd like to give you our new and improved Rapid Profit Sytstem for free. You pay nothing, yet you can begin earning today… First, we're going to literally give you, for FREE, the system that allowed so many to create real cash profit from home. Within a minute of choosing your username, the system will be yours.Second, we're going to provide free training that shows you how to give this opportunity to others and increase your payments by leaps and bounds.Third, we're going to show you how to increase your profit with a special half-price upgrade that makes you a premium member (you're not required to purchase in order to get paid).
And finally, we're going to show you how to sponsor dozens, even hundreds of new distributors per month using technology. Easy to follow instructions will make technology your profit earning partner in just days.
Obviously this is an incredible offer you need to explore fully by getting your free, profit earning membership. This is a no risk, all benefit, free business that you can have right now. And it’s all real. There’s no sales pitch or strings attached. Just sign up for your free system today. Although we offer you an upgraded version, you're not required to purchase it. Use your free system to start earning today!So just fill out the form below and tell us where to send your membersip confirmation. See you on the inside in just a minute from now!
click on the link below;

Monday, August 9, 2010

Earn more $50,000 through VemmaBuilder moneymaking system!!!

                               WELCOME TO VEMMABUILDER™!
This exclusive Members-only site is your virtual Success Assistant, Davis. Don't be a stranger here. Frequent visits can boost your business to new heights.That's because we've packed your Success Assistant with a wealth of invaluable advice and strategic resources custom-tailored to give you an online competitive edge that's second to none in the industry.Your Success Assistant will give you everything you need to build a successful and profitable home-based business.Learn the success secrets of our million-dollar earners! Discover how to turbocharge your business with pre-qualified prospects! View the schedule of live conference calls that provide you with overviews of the VemmaBuilder opportunity, advanced training, and marketing advice from renowned industry leaders, who will share key insights and top moneymaking secrets!
Manage your business and communicate with your entire organization at the click of a mouse. Obtain real-time reports on your growing business! And much, much more!If you have any questions, your Success Assistant can probably answer them. We recommend you take the time to explore each page and menu selection. If you can't find answers to your questions here, talk to or email your Enroller or a top upline leader.If an issue arises that needs immediate attention, please contact us. Just remember that we handle each email personally. Sometimes it can take up to 72 hours for us to give you the individual attention you deserve.
Before you leave, let us thank you for joining VemmaBuilder™. We are confident you will be an active part of our fast-growing team. We are eager to work with you to help you achieve your dreams and goals!
Remember, success is just a double click away!

All the Best,

-The VemmaBuilder™ Team

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Organizing for America

The historic progress we've made together.Organizing for America counts entirely on supporters like you to fight back -- no special interests, no corporate PACs. To keep making change and to defend the change we have already won, we need you -- and at least 15 other people in Tulsa -- to contribute so we have the resources necessary going into the election.
Please donate $5 today and help Organizing for America lay the groundwork for the fights ahead.

Because of Wall Street reform, we will ensure that Americans applying for a credit card, a mortgage, or a student loan will never again be asked to sign their name under pages of confusing fine print. We will crack down on abusive lending practices and make sure that lenders don't cheat the system -- and create a new watchdog to enforce these consumer protections.And we will put an end to taxpayer-funded bailouts, giving us the ability to wind down any large financial institution if it should ever fail.The passage of Wall Street reform is at the forefront of the change we seek, and it will provide a foundation for a stronger and safer economy.It is a foundation built upon the progress of the Recovery Act, which has turned 22 months of job losses into six consecutive months of private-sector job growth. And it is a foundation reinforced by the historic health reform we passed this spring, which is already giving new benefits to more than 100 million Americans, ushering another 1 million Americans into coverage by next year.But today's victory is not where our fight ends.Organizing for America and I will move forward in the months ahead on the tough fights we have yet to finish -- even if cynics say we should wait until after the fall elections. This movement has never catered to the conventional wisdom of Washington. And we have fought to ensure that our progress is never held hostage by our politics.You and I did not build this movement to win one election. We did not come together to pass one single piece of legislation. We are fighting for nothing less than a new foundation for our country -- and that work is not complete. As we face the challenges ahead, I am relying on you to stand with me.Please donate $5 or more today:

Thank you for helping us get here,

Fred McKein.


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